When I was breastfeeding my daughter, I did A LOT of extra pumping and milk storing on top of nursing my daughter. In part to donate to other babies, and in part, because I knew at some point my supply would drop and I wanted her to continue to be able to drink exclusive breastmilk for as long as possible. Below you will find my favorite recommendations for storing breastmilk in the freezer.
Best Overall Milk Storage Bag- Kiinde Bags

I loved using Kiinde bags when I was pumping. The screw-top couldn’t be easier to use and of the hundreds of Kiinde bags I use, I only had 2 that leaked. The other huge benefit of using a Kiinde milk bag is that you can attach it directly to your pump and avoid washing bottles- which is a great time saver!
PS Tricare parents! Did you know that your insurance will cover 90 Kiinde bags each month?!
Most Convenient Milk Storage Bag- Kiinde BagsSince these screw directly into your pump kits, there is nothing on the market that is more convenient for pumping. This is in addition to how easy it is to pour out the milk. They cannot be beaten! Really the only inconvenient part about the Kiinde bags is that they don’t stack into bricks well and are a little harder to store if you have a large stash.
Best Value Milk Storage Bags- Up & Up

So many moms love the Up & Up (Target brand, for those of you who are unfamiliar) brand of breast milk storage bags. They are very similar to the Lansinoh bags but at a fraction of the cost. Many moms report that these bags leaked less than the Lansinoh bags for them. I personally never purchased these but was gifted them many times from families I donated breastmilk to. I never had any issues with them leaking or causing issues in storage for families. Plus, who doesn’t love a trip to target!
Best Space Saving Milk Storage Bags- Lansinoh

Lansinoh milk storage bags are great for making “bricks” of milk in the freezer. A “brick” of milk is several bags of milk stored in a gallon zip lock bag for long term storage, often in the deep freezer. The Lansinoh bags are great to freeze flat and stack into bricks for the most efficient storage. I did find that some of the Lansinoh bags leaked for me. To remedy this, I always just thawed in a clean cup or bowl and it was never an issue. If it leaked out, we just poured from the bowl or cup into the bottle. Despite the leaks- I still think these are one of the best milk storage bags and it is what I primarily used.
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